Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sketchbook Sunday!

Seems like the only post I've been making the past two weeks has been this one. That will change this week, I promise. I've finished up some school art events along with assessments and I have a lit bit more time.

Earlier today I finished up this mixed media painting I started a few weeks back. It was fun working on it since I felt like one of the kids in my classroom.....just doing whatever strikes me. I think that is one of the things I like most about children's work......not overly thought out and spontaneous.

I chose to make a image of a house since so often children use this as part of their picture making. I really was using the house as a symbol of safety and warms...Its a small painting...I believe its 7x7. I was contemplating adding text but have held back for now. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

I feel a cold coming on by am going to make it out to the torch to make a few beads.
Have a great day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sketchbook Sunday!

This past week has been interesting to say the many of you know, I'm an art teacher by day and have been teaching for 16 years. Our district is purposing significant cuts to art, music and library. I will still have a job but will travel between two have no idea what this really means. Six full time art teachers, 6 music and 6 librarians will be unemployed.

So, my sketchbook has suffered because I didn't give it time this week....

But when I did allocate the time, sketching was relaxing........ Today I am out in the studio making beads.....spring is my inspiration yet again. 

I hold onto Hopefullness that those in charge will see the light. 
Just imagine how gosh darn boring school is going to become for all your children.....the arts are vital for so many reasons. It is a place where being the best isn't the goal........ its really about self expression, exploration, experimentation, critical thinking..............okay, I'll get off my soap box :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whack Your Head Wednesday

Find What's out of Whack

#34 Be critical and sense what's out of whack with the idea. Remember: you don't want to put a piece of garbage out in the world with your name on it. What won't the idea work? What's lacking? What doesn't feel right about the idea?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Studio Monday

These few pictures are'nt the best since they were taken with my phone...but here is a look at my messy work bench. Yes, its messy but I do know where everything is....I love my studio haven. Been contemplating having my studio off site rather then at home. Hmmmm..... there are so many great reasons to have it at home I wonder why I'm thinking of moving off site? The one major plus for having an off site studio would be seeing/chatting with other artists in the building and First Friday events. I really have no problem focusing on my work so that would not be a reason to get an off site studio...........still don't know.......still wondering. Seems like there has been this big thing to get a studio. I have several friends who now have them away from home and I guess love it. Still weighing it out for myself to see if it really makes good sense. Not in any hurry since I have a wonderful studio at home base.

Another photo from my phone....making some great spring inspired beads.

 And this photo is probably the worst of the 3.....but, here are my Lollipop Headpins. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sketchbook Sunday!

Its hard to believe that a week has gone by and I haven't posted anything! Where does the time go?  I made it back here today however, for my Sketchbook Sunday to share a page from my journal. 

I enjoyed working sketchbook idea to bead so much that I thought I'd try it again. Remember, this is not my typical method but am starting to wonder why it isn't!

My painted rainbow and little bird in the corner show up in these beads........Still working on one of these beads and hope to be able to share the finished piece.

These are the back sides.....not totally crazy about them but oh, well. I think once I make them into something and show the side I like it might work.

I took a week long Art Journaling class online and will show my work here next week. I'll also show some journals done by others that I like.....this art journaling thing might be a keeper!