Its always interesting to shake things up and work outside your comfort zone. Working with colors, styles, shapes that aren't necessarily "you" has the potential of opening doors to new ways that grow to become YOU. I've been doing just that and my first trial bead is kind of interesting to me. Primarily neutral, what I call subtle with an organic textural feel are the ways I would describe the bead. I used a few reactive glasses which really helped in the loose "happenings" approach I wanted to take. I enjoyed making this first bead so much that I continued with this experiment yesterday and anxiously await this mornings kiln opening! As you can probably guess, these beads have multiple views but I've only chosen to show one...they are very intreguing to me but WOW are they different for me.....
I'd love to hear what you think about my step outside my box. Its a whole different way of working....
I think they look awesome....they have such an earthy look to them;-)
Interesting - but I much, much, much prefer your 'in the box' beads and colors. Perhaps expand on those than the dreary organic colors? JMHO.
Yes, these are different from my usual and I am much more comfortable with brighter colors. I agree that these colors are more moody...I rarely work like this so I am way out of my comfort zone! Thanks for your comment. I like to hear other points of view.
On the other hand, to keep my creative muse happy I like to try new & different things so I enjoy venturing off the path into new territory. Even if it means ackward strange feelings and very different looking work....I feel that if I always stay in my box, I'll learn nothing, gain nothing and then become dull & dreary. Who wants THAT :)!!!!
Linda - I love them!
I think you have stepped outside your comfort zone in a fabulous way.
Even though for you they are more moody colours than you normally play with, I think you have done a great job of making organic styles in anything but 'dreary' colours.
Your beads have a wonderful depth & movement to them.
You are right - we all have to expand ourselves...& at the end of the day there is a market for all styles of beads ;o)
Wow! There's nothing left to say!
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