Well the Holiday Bazaar is done. Its such a wonderful feeling to have that release...show is over, the packing, the displaying and the take down is completed. I feel so relaxed after a show. I can't relax too long however. I have a gallery exhibit for the month of December in Honeoye. I'll be posting directions and more info later.
Shows are so hard or impossible to predict. Nothing is in stone and you certainly can't rely on good crowds or good sales. A friend and neighbor at the show....a glassblower named Alex, was down in the dumps about the show....his sales weren't up to par so he said. My sales were down slightly but I definitly can't complain one bit. He actually asked if he could work for me....jokingly of course. Friday night was extremely busy for me but Saturday was rather slow...and Sunday was fairly busy. Its just not like art festivals of the summer months. I had to keep reminding Alex of that before he through himself off the belcony.
One of the most exciting things this weekend was the wonderful response to my new necklace design. I introduced this necklace at Clothesline (they sold out) and made a few more for the Bazaar.....they sold out Friday night...therefore I don't have any images!!!!! Dont' worry, I'm working on more and will show them off on my site soon. I actually had a customer come back on Sunday to tell me how many compliments she has recieved wearing it. She also mentioned she wore it to a knitting group meeting and as she put it, "everyone was examining it to see how it was done" Great. My design will be knocked off before I can get an image up here!!! I hope not. But, some people just don't get it....they don't see how inappropriate it is to copy a design with little to no variation. Happily, I don't focus to much on this little issue. But I did get a laugh when my husband pointed out that this place was advertising a copy right and legal rights course.
Well, I'm heading to the couch to do nothing but watch t.v. I deserve a break....right??? Oh, check in on Friday. I will have a holiday give away....see what I've unearthed in my studio.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A Welcomed Long Weekend
We have a long weekend and boy was I looking forward to it. Yes, relaxing just a bit but what I really wanted was some extended time at the torch. Next weekend is the Holiday Bazaar and I am in desparate need of stuff....all my stuff is either sold or at the Gallery. So, a Busy Bee am I.
Althought I have been working away it just seems like I still have little to show for it all. I seem to always feel like this prior to a show.....I guess I like the stress and worry of it all. How wierd. I do have things and some NEW items too. I just get panicy.
In between beading I had some fun too. Last night Sue and I went to Tasteology, a new resturant that another friends brother-in-law opened recently. I liked what I got...a tempe dish with hot peppers, curry and other stuff. Sue didn't particulary care for her soup however. She didn't get any of the califlower or broccoli that was suppose to be in there. But, she did like her Indian or was it Thai Beer. After dinner we headed over to Barnes and Noble to listen to a lecture by Denis Defibaugh. He's a photography professor at RIT and just released a photo-documentary on Days of the Dead. The images are magnificent. Thanks to Marcia.....she sent me the info on this!
On Thursday night I'm taking a class with Organic Jane on aromatherephy. We will be mixing our own blends that are suppose to help your immune system. My sister is coming with me.....I'm sure we will have a great time. I hope to bring my camera...I've got a new phone that takes pics but I don't know how to send the images to my e-mail address.....
Well, enough blabbing....I have to make beads. :)
Althought I have been working away it just seems like I still have little to show for it all. I seem to always feel like this prior to a show.....I guess I like the stress and worry of it all. How wierd. I do have things and some NEW items too. I just get panicy.
In between beading I had some fun too. Last night Sue and I went to Tasteology, a new resturant that another friends brother-in-law opened recently. I liked what I got...a tempe dish with hot peppers, curry and other stuff. Sue didn't particulary care for her soup however. She didn't get any of the califlower or broccoli that was suppose to be in there. But, she did like her Indian or was it Thai Beer. After dinner we headed over to Barnes and Noble to listen to a lecture by Denis Defibaugh. He's a photography professor at RIT and just released a photo-documentary on Days of the Dead. The images are magnificent. Thanks to Marcia.....she sent me the info on this!
On Thursday night I'm taking a class with Organic Jane on aromatherephy. We will be mixing our own blends that are suppose to help your immune system. My sister is coming with me.....I'm sure we will have a great time. I hope to bring my camera...I've got a new phone that takes pics but I don't know how to send the images to my e-mail address.....
Well, enough blabbing....I have to make beads. :)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Marla's Caught My Eye!

I just came back from the Little Theater.....Sue and I went to see My Kid Can Paint....a documentary on child artist Marla Olmstead. I loved little Marla and her work. I feel very fortunate to work with children and to witness the worderful work they all create. Please visit Marla's website at www.marlaolmstead.com
60 minutes did a documentary on Marla's art work and her family in 2004. It caused quite a controversy on her work & its creation. No matter what you believe, her work is fantastic. To me, there is nothing better than childrens art work. Its free, spontaneous and so imaginative. It makes me wish I was a child again.
I created some fun buttons today. I can't wait to take them out of the kiln in the morning. Tomorrow will be another day of beadmaking. I have to get cracking if I'm going to have enough work for my December gallery show & tne Holiday Bazaar in November! Yikes!!!
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