I'm a reader. I like to learn, be entertained and to better myself. I saw Daniel Pink on a PBS special and was intrigued with what he had to say. For once, I was listening to someone who placed importance on Creative Thinking rather than liner seqential thinking that most educational systems support. I've only just begun reading this but believe it will be interesting. Here is just an snippet of what the book captures: "Pink makes the argument that we all need to incorporate more empathy and play into our lives because it enables one to relax, enjoy life more and engage the unused capacity of one's intellect. He makes a strong argument that our society pigeon holes us into thinking a certain way and approaching life without the tools we really need to enjoy it and get the most out of it. The book is full of useful tips and strategies in addition to a call to action in your own life."
This is just one of the 3 books I'm currently reading.......I'd love to know what good books you like & recommend!
Linda, I read "A Whole New Mind" about a month ago. It's fabulous & really insightful....it is also a great guide in which directions we should be encouraging children to go in their career choices.
Another great book along those lines is "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell.
Right now I'm reading "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, and it's all small stuff" by Richard Carlson - it is so easy to follow & implement what you have just read.
Personally I think this is the one that everyone from the age of 9 -90 should read!
Deb, Thanks for the comments. I've read Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and I agree....everyone should read this. I tend to revisit this book to refresh my thinking.
I'll check into Blink. The title sounds familiar. I typically have about 3 books going at once......maybe thats why it takes me so long to finish one....but I like so many different types. Along with A Whole New Mind I'm still working on Wally Lamb's 700 pager!!
Right now, I'm reading the newspaper. It's amazing to me how the press can manipulate an event and change it from positive to negative to positive again.
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