It has been a wintery weekend here in Rochester but it has also been a fine weekend to continue my illness recovery. To cold, snowy, wet and windy to do much of anything so indoor r&r has been the ticket. I'm not completely better but MUCH better than I was last week around this time. I took this picture looking out my kitchen window....we had a bit of freezing sleet/rain yesterday and it covered the window as you can see....made for a cool picture.
I do have a few things to share however to show you what I've been up to over the last few weeks or so. The first item is a pin design I've been playing with. What sparked this was I had left over beads on my bench and thought they made for a good challenge to myself...."what would I do if I just had these beads?" type of challenge. I took a silly face bead I made in October to use as my focal & quickly sketched out several ideas. Then I played with some copper wire to get the steps thought out.....and here it is done up in silver~

Kinda expresses how I've felt lately too! I think this pin is great! Silly, fun and definitly different.
My next piece to share demonstrates how I have been thinking about & working with combining PMC & glass. Last summer I introduced a number of pieces that began this mixed media adventure....bracelets, necklaces, etc.... Currently, I'm playing with the idea of combining glass with pmc in a different way. This piece is actually my second...the first one was....well.....a good first try but nothing I want to share. Look for more of this concept in my work soon!

I would love to get some comments here on my blog please :) So come on....post a thought here!
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