Two posts in one day! Well, I just sent out a mass e-mail announcing my latest class offerings & thought I'd get it up here too. I've had many people interested in these classes and thought what better way to get through the cold wintery month of February than to take a quicky class! Then, you know whats just around the corner???.......Spring!! One of my 3 favorite seasons!
Come on....take a class...its sure to be fun.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
PMC Class.....tomorrow night!
I'm getting all my ducks in a row for tomorrow nights precious metal clay class. I have a very full class.....Yikes....that means adults will have to SHARE tools! I think they can handle it however....I'm so use to children arguing about sharing that its a nice change to work with older student. Its a short class so it will be a fast pace night of learning and making!
I don't have to much to report today. I hope my photography class pays off.....I just had a photographer do some work for me and boy was it outrageously priced!!! I'm all for supporting good work but I have to draw the line at being charged for things I didn't even ask for!!! I'm not going to get into it but I really need to get a grip with that camera and stop paying large amounts of money for things I could do (or learn to do).
I don't have to much to report today. I hope my photography class pays off.....I just had a photographer do some work for me and boy was it outrageously priced!!! I'm all for supporting good work but I have to draw the line at being charged for things I didn't even ask for!!! I'm not going to get into it but I really need to get a grip with that camera and stop paying large amounts of money for things I could do (or learn to do).
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Event Day At Spirit Works!
What a fun afternoon! I conducted an Embellished Button class for a few hours yesterday at my favorite knit shop, Spirit Works Knitting & Design located in Irondequoit.
I hardly had a chance to unload all my goodies when a nice sized group of about 15-20 women gathered around the table. I had a step by step handout, a giant visual and plenty of kits available showing how to begin embellishing one of my fab glass buttons. The only sad note was that my printer suddenly decided not to work and I couldn't print out the text to go onto my poster.....Oh, well. The instructions had photos & text so all was not lost. Pam, the owner, was pleased with the event and we are now at a critical low on buttons & shawl pins....I must work on that this week.
Today I will be working on orders that I need to finish up and continue creating things for my next event...Chocolate & Beads Trunk Show at Parkleigh on February 9th. I have my yoga class at noon and then I plan on getting back to the torch for a late afternoon of beads!
My Esty shop has yet to be put into action! Like I've said, time....I just don't have enough of it! I'm working hard at getting something....even if its just a few items...up onto that way cool place to shop. I'll keep you posted.
Friday, January 25, 2008

This has been a busy week. As always, I'm busy making things & busy at work. The cold temps haven't been helpful for my bead & jewelry making since my studio needs time to warm up and I don't like working in the cold. I've still managed to get things done however....but not as much as I'd like :)
Whats up with the camera? Well, I'm taking a photography class. When you have a smallish business you need to be a jack of all trades.....and I need some schooling at taking good pictures. I just don't have time to "fiddle" around & figure things out....I don't have the luxury of time. So I decided to take a class and so far its been great. The instructor is great and the group of people I'm with are all great too.
I'm at Spirit Works Knit shop this Saturday! 12:30 until 2:00....I'll be demonstrating how to make cleaver pins or embellishments with my fabulous buttons! Hope you will stop in!
:) Linda
Monday, January 21, 2008
A Day Off

On the trip home Peter was telling me about an article he read in some magazine while waiting for an appointment. The article was about a question a guy had about how to get blue birds to come to the blue bird house he had made for them. Apparently this guy spent some time on this great bird house but the blue birds would look at it but would not make a home of it....The author of the article told him to make a crappy bird house out of cardboard and put it next to the nice one he made. The female blue bird would look at the crappy house and then, feeling more confident of her mates choice, would move into the nice one !! I cracked up. I suppose the female bluebirds need real evidence that their mates weren't trying to scam them into some dive of a house!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I woke up early this morning since I couldn't breath! My nose is a bit stuffed know how that goes. Lay on one way, one side gets plugged up, turn and then it happens to the other! So instead of laying there I got up, let the dogs out and made some coffee. Its always nice having the quiet of the morning to yourself.
I've been working on publishing a book. I've been working on it for a little bit and am now focusing on text. I love quotes. So over coffee, I googled some quotes I was interested in and stubbled onto a great site. Creating Minds is a great place to find help at unblocking your creative mojo. I've bookmarked it for myself and some of you might like it too. All of these strategies are not necessarily "new" but they are listed all together making for easy reference. Its very similar to the book and deck of cards called, A Whack on the Head. This is a great place for any creative spirit to find help, courage or direction....I know I will utilize it for both Work (teaching art) and Play (making jewelry).
Some of you might be wondering, Where is that Update you said you were going to do on the 18th!? Yeap. Time drifted by and I didn't do it....I'm taking images today and posting some updates asap.
I've been working on publishing a book. I've been working on it for a little bit and am now focusing on text. I love quotes. So over coffee, I googled some quotes I was interested in and stubbled onto a great site. Creating Minds is a great place to find help at unblocking your creative mojo. I've bookmarked it for myself and some of you might like it too. All of these strategies are not necessarily "new" but they are listed all together making for easy reference. Its very similar to the book and deck of cards called, A Whack on the Head. This is a great place for any creative spirit to find help, courage or direction....I know I will utilize it for both Work (teaching art) and Play (making jewelry).
Some of you might be wondering, Where is that Update you said you were going to do on the 18th!? Yeap. Time drifted by and I didn't do it....I'm taking images today and posting some updates asap.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Monkey See, Monkey Do

Chocolate. Did you know that we humans, thousands of years ago discovered chocolate by watching monkeys! Monkey see monkey do! Some ancient culture noticed that monkeys loved the cocoa plant and figured they should find out why....delicious cocoa was then discovered and made into the most delicious treats. I found this out by researching an art project the second graders were doing a few years back.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Happy Birthday To YOU!
In art class I have seoond graders "researching" famous artists. Each student is learning about a different artist by listening to a book that I recorded (took lots of time over Christmas break)and then writing down facts. I'm calling this All Star Artist Trading see, they will be making 4 trading cards of their artist & then trading them. Fun.
Well, this project got me thinking about YOU. I'd like to try a "Birthday" club. If you are on my mailing list...send me your birthday (month & day is fine) and I will put it on my list. Birthday club members will recieve something special from me....that something could be a certificate, beads, or a coupon....haven't thought that far ahead. So, get on my mailing list & join my Birthday Club!
Well, this project got me thinking about YOU. I'd like to try a "Birthday" club. If you are on my mailing list...send me your birthday (month & day is fine) and I will put it on my list. Birthday club members will recieve something special from me....that something could be a certificate, beads, or a coupon....haven't thought that far ahead. So, get on my mailing list & join my Birthday Club!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Its All About the Hearts
Hearts have been a constant in my "career" as a beadmaker. For as long as I have been making beads....I've been making heart beads. Kitchy, I know, but I never tire of them. Its also a great subject for me to stretch my creative mojo...always searching for ways to reinvent how I "do" hearts.
Here is one of my latest Heart inspired creations. The photograph is not the best....but hopefully the intent will shine thru. Its a winged heart vessel pendant that takes center stage dangling from a heavy chain. It can be filled with bubbles (why not?!) or a custom blend of essential oils (you can do this with Aveda oils).....a love note.....or pixie dust. I have a few more of these ...they are all hearts, all vessels but all a bit different. I LOVE them.
Let me know what YOU think.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Indian Cuisine To Die For
Last night we were invited to Sue & Phil's house for dinner. Phil happens to be a fantastic bookworms are always so jealous when Sue tells of the delicious meals Phil cooks almost daily.....we all wish our husbands would cook just a quarter of the time that her husband does and with such skill! So last night Kathy, Tim, Peter and I were invited to actually indulge in one of his many specialties....Indian.....and it certainly did not disappoint. The best Indian I've ever had!
Okay I have to continue with the wonders of Phil. He is also a woodwork and creates amazing mandalins, mando-cellos, guitars, etc....He does this for the simple pleasure of creating....he does not sell his work. It is so nice to see all the work and detail that goes into each piece he makes. I don't play an instrument but watching him work and seeing his end results sure makes me want to learn. I so appreciate those who matter if its a great meal or artwork.....creating is a gift we all have but don't always acknowledge.
I've been very diligent at the torch and have kept to a list of "To Do's" each day. I dropped off a number of things to a shop yesterday and am preparing for an upcoming event at Spirit Works. I'm gathering things up and will be photographing to make my self imposed Jan. 18th WebDate Update!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Powers Out!
I woke up to a very windy around 4:30am. I was able to make a pot of coffee and find flashlights before the power went completely out! But I had to struggle to make my hair work for the day....and putting on make up by flashlight isn't right either. I did just get a call from the husband and the power is back on...thank goodness.
I'm shipping out orders today....I wanted to wait for all packages to be ready so I could make just one trip to the post office. So, those waiting on things....there a comin'
I'll be back at the torch tonight making who knows what. I'm on an earring kick right now. I need to make chocolates, buttons and hearts too.
This is a short one....have a great day.
I'm shipping out orders today....I wanted to wait for all packages to be ready so I could make just one trip to the post office. So, those waiting on things....there a comin'
I'll be back at the torch tonight making who knows what. I'm on an earring kick right now. I need to make chocolates, buttons and hearts too.
This is a short one....have a great day.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Isn't this cute?! A felted cupcake....I'm making a bunch just cause I like'um. My plan is to offer these with "Valentine" purchases in late January early February! So be on the look out!
Check out this blog A customer shared this with me and I think the artwork is great. I had such a nice email chat with this particular customer yesterday......have you ever just felt so comfortable with someone....even through e-mail?? Well, I told her that I would take a picture of one of my favorite Katrina sculptures.....Mexico & days of the dead was a topic of since I had it on my camera I thought I'd share it here too. I love the way her dress moves.
I was back at work today and getting back into the swing of things. I'm tired. Thats all I can say....tired. But at least Monday is out of the way...Tuesday should be better :) Look for more earrings later this week....NEW hearts too.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Getting Organized
Today has been a continuation of my strange 6 month long journey to Organization! It started in July when I decided to clear out any unnecessary household, studio or clothing items. We had a garage sale, I donated things to the Salvation Army and I sold things on various forums. My cupboards, closets and all flat surfaces are tidy & journey has continued with tax time preparing and the clean up of my upstairs painting studio. Wow, organized and tidy feels sooooooooo goooood! I can wear my NEW "June Cleaver" apron my sister gave me for Christmas with pride.
At the torch today I worked on filling a decent sized order and made a few items for 2 upcoming Trunk Shows. I'm pooped. Tomorrow I must begin "organizing" my studio. Which really means I must clean up my mess. I can't even think of it right now....thats how tired I am. Oh, and I have an orthodontist favorite :(

These lovely slippered feet belong to my brother-in-law....aka Ward Cleaver. Yes, those are rubberbands holding down the front of the slippers. Yes, he has fallen wearing these. No, it doesn't make him want to buy a new pair. And yes, he did get new slippers from us and a pair from my sister....Good Grief Charlie Brown!
At the torch today I worked on filling a decent sized order and made a few items for 2 upcoming Trunk Shows. I'm pooped. Tomorrow I must begin "organizing" my studio. Which really means I must clean up my mess. I can't even think of it right now....thats how tired I am. Oh, and I have an orthodontist favorite :(
These lovely slippered feet belong to my brother-in-law....aka Ward Cleaver. Yes, those are rubberbands holding down the front of the slippers. Yes, he has fallen wearing these. No, it doesn't make him want to buy a new pair. And yes, he did get new slippers from us and a pair from my sister....Good Grief Charlie Brown!
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