Thursday, January 3, 2008

Getting Organized

Today has been a continuation of my strange 6 month long journey to Organization! It started in July when I decided to clear out any unnecessary household, studio or clothing items. We had a garage sale, I donated things to the Salvation Army and I sold things on various forums. My cupboards, closets and all flat surfaces are tidy & journey has continued with tax time preparing and the clean up of my upstairs painting studio. Wow, organized and tidy feels sooooooooo goooood! I can wear my NEW "June Cleaver" apron my sister gave me for Christmas with pride.

At the torch today I worked on filling a decent sized order and made a few items for 2 upcoming Trunk Shows. I'm pooped. Tomorrow I must begin "organizing" my studio. Which really means I must clean up my mess. I can't even think of it right now....thats how tired I am. Oh, and I have an orthodontist favorite :(

These lovely slippered feet belong to my brother-in-law....aka Ward Cleaver. Yes, those are rubberbands holding down the front of the slippers. Yes, he has fallen wearing these. No, it doesn't make him want to buy a new pair. And yes, he did get new slippers from us and a pair from my sister....Good Grief Charlie Brown!

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