Felt & coffee, ummmmmm! This cold, windy morning seemed a good time to felt the colorful block I constucted on Friday. A nice cup of coffee and colorful wool....something only a creative person would think as a good start to a day! I think it came out nice....now, what to do with it?!
Sunday's are yoga days, so after a nice easy start to the morning I went for some bending, stretching, and meditating. Abby teaches on Sunday's and her class is so enjoyable. I feel refreshed and balanced after leaving there.
I know I don't speak of it much...well, I don't think I've said anything at all but we have been looking at houses for sometime...waiting to find just the right one. Our present home is nice and I've grown to love it but we want something more...a little bigger, a nicer neighborhood...you know, up scale a bit. The house we looked at today.....I love it. I don't say that very often. I've only said it once about a house that we put a bid on but someone snagged it on us. What made this house even more charming is the fact that the people who live there now are art lovers. Beautiful paintings with gallery lighting throughout the house!!
The house was constructed by a famous architect....Claude something and the house across the street was made by Frank Lloyd Wright. Oh, and there is a perrrrrfeccct place for my studio! Thats the important part!

Now, bead talk....yesterday went very nicely at Parkleigh. I had a flock of people before I had even set up but part of the fun for people is pawing around things while I get my act together. We had plenty of chocolate too....the real and the glass type! My NEWEST pieces seemed to go right off the bat. I'll have a few things to put up on my site tomorrow night....I have a few items up on my Etsy shop....I hope you will take a peek and get your sweetie (or yourself) something for Thursday!
Enjoy your evening!
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