I've been a bit behind on my blogging so I'll be sharing various things with you over the next few days. My first bit of sharing involves beads! Yes, I actually had sometime to play vs fill orders last week and I think I came up with some fun possibilities. When you give yourself time to NOT make anything but give in to the act of just "messing around" I find that amazing things are born. My latest possibility is pictured above. I call these pendants cups. They even have a glass handle...or bail. They won't stay empty however....these cups with be filled! I hope to have these two done over the weekend so I'll be able to show you exactly what I mean. This ideas was sparked by my cup bead that I used last year in a few of my necklace designs. I like to work with things that I currently do and see if I can change them in some way....I think I might be onto something with this one!

I also made a few off mandrel pendants. I love them but don't know what to do with them yet...should I keep them as simply pendants or make them into necklace??? Hmmmmm, I'll have to think about it.

These heart pendants are interesting because they have 2 holes or bails on the back instead of just one. Why two? You'll see....I have a necklace almost completed to show you.
I had one other thing that I could have shown you but when I downloaded my pictures to my computer I didn't see it! I don't know how I could have forgotten to photograph it....its probably my favorite of my "new creations". I'll get a photo and then share it here later....hopefully by Friday..... Its so coooollllll!
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