Friday, February 12, 2010

3 Beautiful Things

I'm really enjoying my Friday posts of 3 beautiful things. It really gives me the opportunity to reflect and focus on all that is right and wonderful in life. Its a shift in thinking......making more of the positive and less of the negative.

1. Yesterday was our Snow Sculpture Olympics held during art class. Thru an adults eyes the snow was terrible, unworkable and not enough. BUT the children embrassed the snow that we did have and created fantastic sculptures! It really was a lesson in making due with what you have and these 7 year olds really taught the adults a lesson. They figured how to make "unworkable" snow work. Thats why I love children.

2. Spend vs. Make. At the end of the each class a Gold, Silver and Bronze medals were presented to the teams with the most complete sculpture and who had all team members participating. It was hard to choose since everyone was involved and having fun. The night before I had shopped around for plastic medals but was surprised at how much they cost. I decided to just make them instead with tag board and, easy. It was so touching at how thrilled the children were to earn these and throughout the day I saw them still sporting their medals.

3. I have a routine of treating myself to Starbucks once a week. Yesterday was my day. I see the same people getting their coffee everytime I go in. Ahead of me was this young guy. Very polite and friendly. We actually chatted with each other for a brief 3 minutes but discovered how much we had in common. Its nice to talk with people and connect even for brief moments.

1 comment:

rosebud101 said...

Beautiful post, Linda!